This morning we waited around a bit as there was some technical work to be done on the computer but the first track up is a Mick and Phil track that is full on rock. Russell has played a dynamite drum part on this song and boy does it rock. I put the solo (wah wah) on this one as I did the guitar part so I am pleased with that. The sunshine is out today and the day is beautiful. Not that we will see much of it locked in the studio but believe me there is plenty of sunshine on these tracks. There's a couple of Phil's and my songs that need lyrics so we will start getting those finished today. We have the main structure of the idea so we are on the starting grid with the idea. While recording has been going along Phil and I have written a new song which we may have a go at if we have enough time left in the next 5 days. Mike Paxman really likes it and it is very Heepy. The idea was born out of a writing session at Phil’s and we did some work on it over the phone when I was back in London. So if time permits we will give it a crack and if not we have a good song to start the next CD. The best part is we have lyrics for it so ‘appy days!

Started a track written by Phil after dinner and it sounds great. A mid tempo rocker with a good groove. Well that is it today 2 tracks in the can, a lot of hard work and it all sounds fantastic and now it’s time to relax. See you tomorrow.