…another technical start to the day and then we started working on lead vocals with Bernie. We got to a certain part of the first song and we tried out the chorus for a blend of harmonies. We then had to rethink how we could get the best out of the chorus and eventually we found the answer in a strong two part.

Mike Paxman the producer and Chris West the engineer have got to find the best way to record Bernie’s voice and how they can get the best performance out of him for all of the songs. It takes a while to do this. With the music it was different because Mike was with us everyday in the rehearsal room honing the parts of each song so he really understood what we all wanted but when you get exposed in the studio for the first time on the microphone it is only then you really hear the nuances in the voice and understand how to best record it.

Once this is done it is plain sailing so there is a learning curve here to get the best results but it should not take long. Trevor popped in with his son to add a small bass part and then after dinner went home again. Phil and I are trying to finalise the final lyric so we are all busy bees here today. Bernie finished with a really good vocal and it has been a very productive day so ‘appy days! Time to wind down and get an early-ish night.