Well we are all settled in nicely at the studio arriving the night before. The equipment arrived at 5pm along with us all, so everything was on schedule. All except for Trevor who only lives an hour away so he came in the next day. Christos got straight to work to get everything unpacked and in position and then we had a take out Curry with some Red Wine and then a bonding visit to the local Pub which just happens to be 100 yards up the road from the front door of the studio. How convenient! The next morning we had a big English Breakfast and began the process of Recording. It took some time to get the equipment in the right position and miked up


 correctly whereby we had as little spillage as possible because we want to record as much of this as live as possible. Trevor joined us at 1.30pm just in time to get his bass sound sorted and we started playing. There were many more adjustments to be made to get it just right and there was plenty of sitting around waiting until in the control room Mike Paxman was a happy puppy. There is a good feeling and atmosphere in the main studio (The Chapel itself ) and it was very important that we all had eye contact and that we found the right sound balance between those wearing headphones ( everybody but me ) and then we started.

The first song up is written by Mick and Phil and is a full on rocker so it was nice to start with a song with that type of energy. In one run through and 2 takes we had the version we wanted and the control room was full of excitement. I doubt whether they will all be this quick but what a fantastic way to start. We all seem at home here at the Chapel and feel we have made the right choice in Studios after much deliberation so we finished the day with a quick celebratory drink up the road in the pub and off for an early night. Well it was Midnight.