3rd May, 2007

To start the day after breakfast, and Mike kindly getting us the newspapers again Bernie and Phil went in to do a harmony vocal and once this was finished Phil went home. I did some guitar work until Trevor arrived. Yes on his motorbike! He was with his mate Pete also on his bike. They were quickly named the Hull’s Angels by my goodself. Chris the engineer saw them coming up to the door and thought it was 2 guys coming to rob us until they took their helmet’s off. Anyway when you check out the pictures that go with this journal check out Trevor’s number plate. Pretty cool eh!

Trevor had re-written a verse on one of his songs so after learning it Bernie went in to do the vocal. It was a two part with him so Trevor had to do some singing too. Tonight we are going through each track to see if anything is needed or not as the case may be. As each track comes up it is quite exciting as we are now getting the full flavour of how the CD will sound. Brilliant!

Trevor has gone back home so it is now only Bernie, Mike, Chris, Will, Christos and myself left. Bernie is singing and I am typing this waiting to get in and do some guitar parts as Christos is busy changing strings and servicing my Ruokangas VSOP Stratocaster. It is my wife’s birthday today so I will have that extra glass of wine to celebrate tonight when we have finished. I tried the I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here routine in this Big Brother type house but it did not work. It would have been lovely to be home with Sheila and Romeo celebrating but here I am once again suffering for my art. Make that 2 extra glasses of wine tonight!

Well we worked into the small we hours as the creativity was flowing. Boy we got some good stuff down. This looks like a 2am ending if we are lucky. I personally love moments like this when it is all happening. I hope you enjoy my ramblings and pictures throughout the day. Night Night!