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Find Pete Wharton explaining a
sugarplum, Bernie with The Sweets Drummer & Singer? Mick And Brian Jones,
Lee reading Mindview with Geert Ryssen? Patrick Broekmans praying for a
signature from Mick?
It's all here..........

Bernie And Trevor in full Swing
Bernie 2 Sweet ( Bruce Bisland & Jeff Brown)
We had a great day at the Kortenaken
festival. Dominic, the festival boss arranged two press cards for me and my
friend Marcel , for Brian & Lorraine Jones and Pete and Jeanine
Wharton he was so friendly to arrange backstage passes. Our UK friends
arrived at noon on the festivalground after a quiet boottrip.
We met up with Patrick Voermans, who runs a the
guitarpic website, and Geert Ryssen from the Mindviewmagazine. I can
say Heep did a exciting show for about 2000 people.
The setlist:
Between two worlds
I can hear voices
Bird of Prey
July morning
Easy Livin
Look at yourself
Lady in black
I might be wrong but I heard some changes in Micks
guitar playing in LAY and Gypsy. I forgot to ask him about it after the
show....does anybody know anything? New guitar?
Trevor did a very nice duet with Phil in the
midsection of LAY.I'm not sure if that was new...I thought it was..
Anyway looking over my shoulder from time to time
was a joy for every Heepster. From the frontrow to the back everybody was
clapping and yelling.
Afterwards Rinus told me ( He, Sandra and Willy)
arrived with the band at 20.30 ( 22.00 on stage) the mood in the band is better
then ever We all had the same feeling. The fact there was no chanse for a
proper soundcheck made no one really nervous. Lee looked very relaxed.
As usual Mick& co were jumped on by press and
fans. I've seen a few fantastic old posters signed.
Louis Rentrop
ps Thanks to Pete Wharton we now know what a
sugarplum is: A 60 years old red haired sunglassed leathergirl....:-))